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The cultural tourism government enterprise docking meeting (Tianjin railway station) was successfully held to promote regional investment promotion cooperation

Date: 2023-05-13

On May 11, 2023, under the guidance of the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the China (Tianjin) Cultural and Tourism Cooperation and High Quality Development Conference jointly hosted by the Tianjin Hotel Association, Maidian, and Maiju was grandly opened at the Tianjin Pan Pacific Hotel. This conference invited over 300 government leaders, cultural and tourism groups, hotel executives, wine and tourism investors, cultural and tourism service enterprises, industry experts, and media representatives to explore cooperation ways for the high-quality development of the tourism hotel industry in the new era around the hot topics and focus of the market.

As a special segment of this summit, the government enterprise docking meeting will be held simultaneously on the morning of the same day. This matchmaking meeting invited 35 representatives from 20 government and enterprise units, including Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Yuxi Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Jinzhou Guta District People's Government, Jintan Maoshan Tourist Resort, Lvwei Cultural Tourism, Tencent Cultural Tourism, Nianhua Yunke, Lvyue Group, Hermit Cultural Tourism, Haoze Hotel Group, Zhengkun Cultural Tourism, Vienna Hotel&Oushi ยท Mediterranean Brand, to participate together.

During the meeting, representatives of various enterprises shared their business modules and expansion policies in essence, and various government departments sincerely expressed their attitudes towards investment promotion. The Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce introduced the investment and operation situation of scenic spots, hotels, and neighborhoods under its jurisdiction. These projects are constantly expanding investment and investment attraction efforts, which can provide many policies and opportunities for investors.

Yuxi Culture and Tourism Bureau introduces that Yuxi is a city with rich natural resources and cultural heritage, especially in terms of scenic area operation and improvement, high star investment and operation, camping industry investment and operation, and is continuously strengthening investment efforts and policy attraction.

The Jintan Maoshan Tourist Resort in Jiangsu Province has abundant cultural and tourism resources. We sincerely welcome the North China market to input new traffic growth to Jintan Maoshan. We sincerely invite experienced cultural and tourism teams to participate in the planning, planning, investment, and operation of the resort, especially in innovative cooperation in new media promotion, cultural and creative planning and design, promoting rural revitalization in revolutionary old areas, and exporting intangible cultural heritage through IP, Assist in enhancing regional value.

Guta District of Jinzhou City emphasizes the full utilization of surrounding rural tourism resources such as homestays and hot springs. Enterprises with investment capabilities are welcome to plan and develop in Jinzhou. At the same time, IPing the city of Jinzhou is the future development focus of Jinzhou's cultural tourism.

It is reported that the atmosphere of the entire matchmaking meeting was warm and the response was positive. Representatives of major cultural and tourism industry entrepreneurs and government leaders had close exchanges, in-depth discussions on cultural and tourism industry cooperation, and exchanged opinions, and initially reached multiple cooperation intentions.